My love for the piano and its sound began at an early age.
It all started with my fascination for the little keys and buttons on my mini-keyboard, which completely enchanted me. This fascination led to me starting piano lessons when I was 7 years old.
After several years of enjoying playing the piano, I became increasingly more interested in how the instrument worked.
There is only one study in the Netherlands for this craft: the 3-year Piano Tuner and Technician programme, at the Hout- en Meubileringscollege (“Wood and Furnishing College”) of Amsterdam. I was thrilled to be able to study and master this wonderful field.
After completing my studies in 2016, I started my own company.​
In addition to working on modern instruments, I gained experience with historical instruments thanks to my collaborations with pianoforte restorer Gijs Wilderom in Amsterdam, and the Geelvinck Music Museum located in Zutphen and Amsterdam.